Sunday, April 13, 2014


I've been stitching as much as possible since the last post - which hasn't been as much as I'd like.  Life/work has had a bad habit of interfering with my progress of late.  Stupid job!

Been working with a new hire - letting him listen to my calls and explaining my troubleshooting process to him.  Plus this last week had all the joys of disconnects in it.  It's amazing how upset people get when we disconnect their services after not receiving payments for 60 days.  Sheesh.

When I left off with the last stitching session, I had nearly finished the south half of the western gate.  I was on a long troubleshoot at work (yes, there's the shameful secret - I stitch at work!) and my thread broke in the middle of one of the blackwork motifs.  Note to self:  use shorter lengths of thread.

I came home from work earlier in the week and found evidence of new cat toys in the house.  My roomies found Star Wars themed mouse toys!  So Cool!  I wish I had gotten pics of them before they got mauled - they just look nasty now and I will spare you visual evidence.  Phoenix (aka Pee Pee Bandit) Has decided that she likes to carry Chewbacca mouse around in the night.  And then hop up on the bed with me, and drop it by my face so I will throw it down the hall for her to chase.  We need to work on her timing.  Goblin's favorite is Darth Mouse.  And unfortunately the Storm Trooper mouse has displeased all of the kitties and is continually being bounced down the basement stairs.  I have given up trying to convince them that Storm Troopers are just as cool as Vader and Chewie.  Come to think of it...Jedi mouse has disappeared.  He must have displeased them, too.  Such is life.

Off to do chores and maybe stitch.

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